Toddler Class

2-3 Years Old

Main Considerations

Language & Communication

Language curriculum for toddlers includes Spanish vocabulary acquisition, grammar teaching, and abundant positive communication and interactions. By being with our toddlers through their language burst, we are able to expand on their Spanish by engaging them with rich conversations daily. Further, we stimulate phonological awareness ( sound recognition), phonemic awareness ( word sound recognition), and love for words.

Cognitive Developments

Toddlers can attend a one-to-one correspondence with a teacher and have joint-attention. Further, counting 1-10 is taught, as well as shapes, and letters. Matching, comparing, and sorting is all skills that are targeted through activities and monitored for progress. Science explorations are encouraged by providing tools such as binoculars, magnifying glasses, tweezers, and other tools. Science concept of growth, photosynthesize, and cellular respiration is also indirectly addressed through outdoor gardening.


Teachers read stories with toddlers whenever possible and at least once a day to build the concept of print and early comprehension of story development.

Motor Development

Outdoor play is provided ample time in the daily schedule. Toddlers are encouraged to run, climb, hop, jump, dance, play soccer, catch, and do as many gross-motor activities as possible with teacher-supervision. Fine-motor development is stimulated through table activities such as lacing, puzzles, beading, etc.

Social & Emotional Development

We help build self-coping mechanisms and problem-solving resolutions for toddlers to practice. Teachers also build emotional intelligence by asking toddlers daily how they feel and how the emotions look like. Emotional intelligence is also supported by story time and by engaging children about how their friends feel.


Teachers use a variety of tools and materials for art creations such as shaving cream, paint, pastels, brushes, etc. Art is also set up as a provocation and child-led. Toddlers are encouraged to view art as self-expression and exploration.

Daily Activities

Time Activity Description
8:00 - 9:00 AM Free Play
9:00 - 10:00 AM Outdoor play Provide ample opportunity for gross motor development through walking, crawling, and climbing, jumping, throwing, catching, etc
10:00 - 10:30 AM Snack
10:30 - 10:45 AM Circle Time Participation is highly supported but not required. Dance, music, movement, and storytelling
10:45 - 11:15 AM Art Stimulate senses through art activities. Use natural elements as well as art materials and supplies
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Outdoor Play Includes running, hide-seek, group activity, and open exploration. Depending on the weather, water play.
12:00 - 12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 PM Story Time & Wash Hands
1:00 - 3:00 PM Nap
3:00 - 3:30 PM Snack
3:30 - 5:30 PM Outdoor Play Outdoor play also includes dance and songs in Spanish, Gardening, and science activities.